
Showing posts from November 8, 2008

Distance Learning MBA Course in India

If you are a working professional and want to get an MBA Degree without leaving your job, then Distance Learning MBA Course is for you. It's a big opprtuiniy for those who prefer to continue to their day job as well as want to get an MBA Degree. This is best way to get quality education at the comfort of your home and you needn't to give your career a break. Management Institutes in India are glabally recognized. There are so many MBA Colleges in India for Distance Learning MBA Course. Below is a list of some of the best and most popular Institutes in India (with complete address, contact number and website details) who offers Distance Learning MBA Degree . ICFAI University Website: Bangalore University Website: Indira Gandhi National Open University Website: Symbiosis Centre for Distance Learning (SCDL) Website Address: Annamalai University Address: http://annamalaiuniv...